Working Group 1: Synchrotrons/LHC: WG Session 1
- Mike Brennan (BNL)
Working Group 1: Synchrotrons/LHC: WG Session 1
- Mike Brennan (BNL)
Working Group 1: Synchrotrons/LHC: WG Session 2
- Mike Brennan (BNL)
Working Group 1: Synchrotrons/LHC: WG Session 2
- Mike Brennan (BNL)
The Convenor for this working group is Dr. Mike Brennan and the Scientific Secretary Dr. Philippe Baudrenghien.
The mini-oral presentations have been assigned to the different working groups, however the exact times of the presentations will be decided by the convenor at a later date. Note that a few oral presentations will be presented in joint sessions of different working groups. Again the convenors will decide the timetable for this.
Fumihiko Tamura
11/10/2005, 14:00
oral mini talk
The J-PARC Rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS) requires a very
stable and precise low level RF (LLRF) control system to handle the
ultra-high proton beam currents. The MA-loaded low-Q cavities for the
RCS are driven by the superposition of the dual-harmonic RF signal for
both the acceleration and the longitudinal bunch shaping. We employ a
full-digital system based on direct digital...
Yubin Zhao
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics.CAS)
11/10/2005, 14:14
oral mini talk
Low level control (LLC) system based on IQ technique will be constructed for RF
cavities at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF). There are two paths for
LLC to go through. One is based on analog IQ, another adopts all digital technique.
Some experiments of IQ control loop in our laboratory have been done, which shows
that the suppression 20dB of modulation in...
Hooman Hassanzadegan
11/10/2005, 16:00
oral mini talk
An analog Low-level RF prototype based on IQ demodulation has been designed and
developed at CELLS which should regulate the amplitude of the cavity voltage with a
stability of 1% and the phase with a stability of 1°. The LLRF is controlled and
monitored by an industrial PC with cPCI data acquisition cards for the I/O signals.
A series of tests have already been done to evaluate the...
Angela Salom Sarasqueta
11/10/2005, 16:07
oral mini talk