Talks Session 3
- Roland Garoby (CERN)
Talks Session 3
- Roland Garoby (CERN)
The Scientific Secretary of this session is Mr. Joachim Tuckmantel
Brian Chase
12/10/2005, 08:30
The SMTF collaboration is constructing a broad-based high-power test facility
(HPTF) for superconducting RF modules at Fermilab. The purpose of HPTF is to test
pulsed and CW superconducting modules and support systems with and without beam to
facilitate progress in SRF. Slated projects are International Linear Collider 1.3
GHz modules, Proton Driver 325 MHz modules and Cornell CW...
Dmitry Teytelman
12/10/2005, 09:00
Super B-factory designs under consideration expect to reach luminosities in the
$10^{35}$ - $10^{36}$ range. The dramatic luminosity increase relative
to the existing B-factories is achieved, in part, by significantly raising
the beam currents stored in the electron and positron rings. In such
machines beam loading effects drive the RF system design. The main effects
are the synchronous...
12/10/2005, 09:20
Technical standard of Downconverters used for Tesla User Facility at DESY
- Preview of Board schematic of 8 channel version of Downconverter
- Behaviour of linearity, offset, crosstalk and noise parameters
- Estimation of accuracy of phase measurement.
John Musson
(Jefferson Lab)
12/10/2005, 09:40
Superconducting Accelerators, worldwide, are appealing to digital Low-Level RF
control systems in order to achieve high-precision RF gradient and phase regulation,
typically less than 0.1% and 0.01 degrees, respectively.
Although mostly digital, these high-performance systems still rely on analog
front-end receiver components for down-conversion, amplification, and...
Markus Hoffmann
12/10/2005, 10:00
Future accelerator projects such as the European X-FEL and the International
Linear Collider (ILC) will require the operation of the order of 1000 to
10,000 cavities. The operation of these large scale RF systems must be highly
automated to guarantee high performance and availability of the linacs.
The automation must provide a framework in the accelerator control system such
Kirk Davis
(Jefferson Lab)
12/10/2005, 10:50
Transient microphonic and Ponderomotive effects have been observed and measured
under a number of different operating conditions. Microphonic effects are those
sources that are external to the cryomodule, or by devices such as piezo tuners and
mechanical tuners. Ponderomotive effects are changes in frequency due to changes
rf field through the Lorentz force. This talk will give...
Frank Ludwig
12/10/2005, 11:10
For a precise detection of the cavity rf-field with a resolution of 0.01 degree
(rms) in phase and amplitude smaller then 5 10^-5 (rms), we present a down-
converter prototype. The down-converter is designed for a multichannel phase and
amplitude readout using an intermediate frequency between 10-100MHz, which is
sampled by an ADC. We give an overview of commercial available mixers,...
Krzysztof Czuba
(DESY Hamburg)
12/10/2005, 11:30
The presentation will cover the actual development of the master oscillator (MO)
and the frequency distribution system for the UVFEL and the XFEL projects. The MO
design issues will be briefly described. The concept of a phase stable signal
distribution system based on the RF and fiber-optic solutions will be shown. A long
distance signal distribution subsystem with a feedback loop...
Tomasz Jezynski
(Technical Univ. of Lodz)
12/10/2005, 11:50
In order to provide a continuous work of the VUV-FEL and high stable RF field during
pulse is necessary to monitor all parameters of the Control System. An advanced
algorithms looking for a correlation between data from different subsystems of the
LLFR, on-line measure field parameters , produce information about current condition
and performance of the LLRF Control System.
John Molendijk
12/10/2005, 12:10
Modern Low-Level RF systems rely heavily on digital signal treatment. This
has been mainly enabled by the recent availability of powerful FPGAs. Current FPGAs
can implement almost all of the signal-treatment requirements e.g. post-mortem and
observation memory management, base-band network analyzer functionality, the remote
interface to the control systems front-end...
Hengjie Ma
(SNS, Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
12/10/2005, 12:30
A single high-density FPGA XC2V1500 plus 14-bit ADCs/DAC and 128Mb SRAM forms the
digital hardware platform of SNS low-level RF control system. The carefully
designed HDL implementation has limited controller latency under 150 ns (6 clock
cycles) which allows the possibility for obtaining a rapid real-time feedback
control. Given the typical 1 us external loop delay , a small...