Úvod do gridového počítania (Introduction to grid computing)

VRVS broadcasted from FMFI UK, Bratislava, Slovaki

VRVS broadcasted from FMFI UK, Bratislava, Slovaki

Dobrucký, Miroslav (Ústav informatiky SAV)
VRVS prednáška v rámci týždňa "Akademické informačné dni" (AID, 8-11.marec 2005). Language: Slovak VRVS lecture given in the scope of "Academic information days" (AID) in Slovakia. VRVS location (www.vrvs.org): Community: Slovakia(SANET) Virtual Room: Castle ..............(or find "AID" keyword)
    • 09:00 09:20
      Úvod do gridového počítania (Introduction to Grid computing) 20m
      - What is Grid - Characteristics of Grid - Grid Projects and Applications
    • 09:20 09:35
      FloodGrid Portal 15m
      - Video demonstration of CrossGrid product
    • 09:35 09:45
      Certifikáty (Certification Management) 10m
      - Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and X.509 - Certification Authority - Proxy certificates (GSI) - Grid middleware (LCG2) - Submit a job in LCG2
    • 09:45 10:00
      GILDA Testbed and Genius Portal 15m
      - Introduction to GILDA
      more information