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LCG2 Administrator`s Course in Dubna, Russia

JINR, Dubna, Russia

JINR, Dubna, Russia

Nikolaj Zaikin
A practical introduction to installing and running LCG2 software (JINR and IHEP) A program of Courses : Day 1 1. Overview of Grid Structure Elements. (30`) . E.Slabospitskaya 2. Introduction to Scientific Linux (30`) I.Tkachev, V.Mitsyn 3. Installation of Scientific Linux (2 hour) I.Tkachev, V.Mitsyn 2. Getting Started to LCG-2 : obtaining and maintaining of certificates (practical). (30`) I.Tkachev, V.Mitsyn Day 2 1. Preparing configuration for installing LCG-2 using YAIM. (1 hour) I.Tkachev 2. Installation of LCG-2 (3 hour) I.Tkachev, V.Mitsyn 3. Testing of main structure elements of Grid cluster (1 hour)
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