Spalding, J
28/04/2005, 09:00
Tony Liss
28/04/2005, 09:30
Understanding of triggers and of physics objects: jets, photons, tracks, b's, etc
Kristian Harder
28/04/2005, 10:10
Stefano Belforte
28/04/2005, 11:10
Includes grid-like production experiences, event data models, users' feedback, etc
Amber Boehnlein
28/04/2005, 11:40
Daniel Bloch
(IReS Strasbourg)
28/04/2005, 14:00
G. Mornacchi
28/04/2005, 14:30
Mika Huhtinen
28/04/2005, 15:00
Valentina Avati
(Univ. of Helsinki)
28/04/2005, 17:30
Albert de Roeck
28/04/2005, 18:00
Lucotte, A.
(LPSC Grenoble)
29/04/2005, 08:50
Fabio Maltoni
29/04/2005, 09:00
J. Huston
(Michigan State University)
29/04/2005, 09:00
Sabine Kraml
29/04/2005, 09:00
Garcia-Bellido, A.
(University of Washington)
29/04/2005, 09:20
Marine Michaut
29/04/2005, 09:25
Z. Hubacek
(Czech Technical University)
29/04/2005, 09:30
Shoji Asai
29/04/2005, 09:30
Bowen, M.
(University of Washington)
29/04/2005, 09:50
S. Hoeche
(TU Dresden)
29/04/2005, 10:00
Michael Spira
29/04/2005, 10:00
Gregorio Bernardi
29/04/2005, 11:00
Klaus Rabbertz
(Univ. Karlsruhe)
29/04/2005, 11:10
Golonka, P.
(CERN & Institute of Nuclear Physics (Krakow))
29/04/2005, 11:10
S Jadach
29/04/2005, 11:40
Berge, S.
(Southern Methodist University)
29/04/2005, 11:50
Sven Heinemeyer
29/04/2005, 14:00
T. Sjostrand
(CERN/Lund University)
29/04/2005, 14:30
Andy Haas
(Univ. of Washington)
29/04/2005, 14:30
Michael Heldmann
29/04/2005, 15:00
S. Mrenna
29/04/2005, 15:00
Gleisberg, T.
(TU Dresden)
29/04/2005, 15:30
Benjamin Trocme
29/04/2005, 16:30
Hubaut, F.
(CPPM Marseille)
29/04/2005, 17:30
S. Frixione
29/04/2005, 18:00
Mike Lamont
30/04/2005, 09:00
J.P. Revol
30/04/2005, 10:00