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11–13 May 2005
CERN, Prévessin
Europe/Zurich timezone

Utilities, access and safety

11 May 2005, 16:45
864-1-C02 (CERN, Prévessin)


CERN, Prévessin


Thomas Pettersson (TS-CSE)


The presentation will cover the state of readiness of the LHC utilities: AC distribution, cooling and ventilation, transport (lifts), safety and access systems. The request of the survey group for a strong overall co-ordination will be presented. A brief overview of the commissioning tests, in particular for the cooling and ventilation, safety and access systems will be given. The operation and maintenance procedures for the utilities will be briefly described including the on-call service delays for each utility. The access system with all its doors and gates will only be completely commissioned after the machine has been commissioned to simplify access for the HWC team.


Presentation materials