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ELFms meeting

Tuesday 17 May 2005 - 14:00
CERN (513-1-21)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
17 May 2005
14:00 previous minutes, minute taker - All   (513-1-21)
14:05 rCDB status update - Bill and Vero   (513-1-21)
14:20 set_partitions vs. set_partitions2 - All   (513-1-21)
14:35 New Quattor client deployment - German   (513-1-21)
14:50 LXSERV upgrade - Thorsten   (513-1-21)
15:05 ELFms port to ia64 and x86_64 - remaining steps - All   (513-1-21)
15:15 proxy servers current status - GC+ME   (513-1-21)
15:20 AOB   (513-1-21)
15:35 Review of open action list - All   (513-1-21)