1) Early discussion (5mins)
Note taker assignement
Roll call
May 17 minutes approval
2) Review list of actions
*Cal - remind group which examples have the interesting features.
*Abdeslem - revive discussion on WSDL namespaces.
*Meb - carry on with the layout and send it to group for discussion.
3)Cookbook tex in CVS
4) Wrap up
A phone conference has been set up for Tue June 7 @ 14:00 hours CERN time.
Please call +41 (0) 22 76 77 000 and ask for \"PTF Web Services (Djaoui)\"
Abdeslem DJAOUI
CCLRC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Chilton, Didcot
Oxfordshire OX11 0QX
Tel +44 (0)1235 445481