GridPP Deployment and Tier2 Boards meeting

Trinity College Dublin

Trinity College Dublin

D Kelsey and S Lloyd
For logistics info, see here
Hotel info has been sent by e-mail
  • Wednesday 14 September
    • Session 1 Lloyd Institute, LB04

      Lloyd Institute, LB04

      • 1
        Introduction, Agenda agreement, Appoint note taker
      • 2
        Minutes and Actions from last meeting
      • 3
        Grid Ireland Status, Plans and technical talks
        • a) Grid-Ireland Deployment Architecture
          Speaker: Brian Coghlan (TCD)
        • b) Transactional Grid Deployment
          Speaker: Geoff Quigley
        • c) The Grid-Ireland TestGrid
          Speaker: Stephen Childs
        • d) Coffee break
        • e) Infrastructure Monitoring in Grid-Ireland
          Speaker: Keith Rockford
        • f) Grid-wide Intrusion Detection
          Speaker: Stuart Kenny
      • 4
        UK NGS report
        Speaker: Stephen Pickles
    • Session 2 Large Conference Room, O'Reilly Instiute, Trinity

      Large Conference Room, O'Reilly Instiute, Trinity

      • 5
        Tier 2 Hardware provision Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Instiute, Trinity

        Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Instiute, Trinity

        Understand details of Steve L's GridPP14 table Metrics - requirements for Dave Kant's monitoring LCG MoU commitments
        more information
      • 6
        Tier 1 report Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Instiute, Trinity

        Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Instiute, Trinity

        Efficiency, h/w procurement, SC3, etc
        Speaker: Steve Traylen
      • 7
        Coffee break
      • 8
        JSPG Policy issues Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Instiute, Trinity

        Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Instiute, Trinity

        User AUP LHC VO boxes
        Speaker: Dave Kelsey
      • 9
        Documentation Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Instiute, Trinity

        Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Instiute, Trinity

        Speaker: Stephen Burke
      • 10
        Support Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Instiute, Trinity

        Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Instiute, Trinity

        Include interaction between Services and Experiments
        Speaker: John Gordon
  • Thursday 15 September
    • Session 3 Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Instiute, Trinity

      Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Instiute, Trinity

      • 11
        Service Challenge 4 planning
        • a) GridPP policy on VO boxes
      • 12
        Coffee break Large Conference Room, O'Reilly Instiute, Trinity

        Large Conference Room, O'Reilly Instiute, Trinity

      • 13
        Middleware, Security and Networking issues
        Storage (Jens J) Information and Monitoring (Steve F) Workload Management Security Networking Other issues...
      • 14
        Application issues
        Speaker: Roger Jones
    • Session 4 Large Conference Room, O'Reilly Institute

      Large Conference Room, O'Reilly Institute

      • 15
        Future deployment plans and priorities Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Institute

        Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Institute

        Pre-production system, testzone Deployment model and installation tools Baseline services Other issues....
      • 16
        Tier 2 purchasing plans Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Institute

        Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Institute

        CPU vs Disk?
      • 17
        AOB and future meetings Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Institute

        Large Conference Room, O\'Reilly Institute

        Future meetings: One-day meeting immediately after GridPP