EGEE tutorial, Seoul

Seoul National University

Seoul National University

Mike Mineter
The purpose of this event is to introduce the EGEE project, including its goals, infrastructure, middleware and operations. There is an emphasis on practicals, and so participants are asked to bring a laptop and to refer to Please check that you have this software on your laptop. The venue is Seoul National University, Seoul: University Computer Center 4th floor.
  • Monday 29 August
    • Day 1: EGEE and the gLite middleware
      • 1
        Introduction to the tutorial
      • 2
        Introduction to Grid computing in Korea
        This talk outlines the current status and intentions for grid computing in Korea. It will set the scene so that the EGEE project can be understood and discussed in this context.
        Speaker: Jysoo Lee (Director of Supercomputing Center, KISTI)
      • 3
        Introduction to EGEE
        The Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) project is funded by the European Commission. It is developing an international, production quality, grid infrastructure. This talk gives a brief introduction to grid computing. It then gives an overview of the EGEE project summarising its activities and status.
        Speaker: Fabrizio Gagliardi (CERN)
      • 10:45
      • 4
        gLite overview
        Speaker: Mike Mineter (NeSC Edinburgh)
      • 5
        Authorisation and Authentication in gLite
        certificates, proxies, VOMS, MyProxy
        Speaker: Mike Mineter (NeSC Edinburgh)
      • 6
        The GILDA t-Infrastructure
        "t-Infrastructure" is specialised e-Infrastructure adapted to and provided for training and education. The GILDA grid runs a combination of both LCG2 and gLite middleware. In practicals in this tutorial we will be using the GENIUS portal and the command line interfaces to the gLite middleware.
        Speaker: Roberto Barbera (Univ. Catania and INFN)
      • 12:45
      • 7
        Architecture of the gLite Workload Management System
        Speaker: Giuseppe Andronico (INFN Catania)
      • 8
        Practicals on gLite WMS
        security job submission command line and GENIUS
        Speaker: All Tutors
      • 15:15
      • 9
        Practical continued
        Speaker: All Tutors
      • 10
        end of day 1 discussion
  • Tuesday 30 August
    • Day 2: gLite continued
      • 11
        Data management
        Data Management System (DMS) overview FireMan Catalogue LFC: the LCG File Catalogue
        Speaker: Mike Mineter, Roberto Barbera (NeSC Edinburgh, Univ. Catania and INFN)
      • 12
        The Information System
        lcg-infosites R-GMA Accounting Monitoring
        Speaker: Giuseppe Andronico (INFN Catania)
      • 11:00
      • 13
        Practical: gLite DMS and IS
        Using the data management and information services.
        Speaker: All Tutors
      • 14
        Responses to questions
        URL for the GLUE schema and one slide seeking to clarify what SRB and SRM are. (GLUE schema: )
      • 13:00
    • Looking to the future
      • 15
        Building international e-Infrastructure
        International collaboration requires: interoperable middleware based on standards federation of national and regional infrastructures An outline of how EGEE will help to accomplish this.
      • 16
        Final discussion
      • 15:30