9–12 Oct 2005
Korea University, Seoul. Korea
Europe/Zurich timezone


Plenary Session II (Timing RPCs)

10 Oct 2005, 11:00
Korea University, Seoul. Korea

Korea University, Seoul. Korea


Plenary Session II

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
D. Belver (Univ. of Santiago de Compostela)
10/10/2005, 11:00
N. Montes (Lab-CAF Univ. de Santiago de Compostela)
10/10/2005, 11:20
A. Schuettauf (GSI)
10/10/2005, 11:40
G. Scioli (Univ. of Bologna and INFN)
10/10/2005, 12:20
L. Lopes (LIP-Coimbra)
10/10/2005, 12:35
Building timetable...