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ROOT Weekly Meeting

32/1-A24 (CERN)



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Rene Brun (CERN)
    • 11:00 11:15
      Where are we with the coming dev release 15m 32/1-A24



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      Speaker: all
      October and December releases (update) ====================================== Andrei ====== October release: - Mostly fixes and consolidation of the additions made in the current release - TGeoShape::Capacity() implemented for most primitives. Needed for accurate computation of geometry weight. (moved to December) December release: - Full support for scale transformations. Requires delegating distance computation functionalities to TGeoNode (in October) - Other changes required by the interface G4-TGeo Future plans and wish list: - Support for parameterized shapes. This will reduce the geometry size in memory for certain geometries defined in G3 style. - CAD geometry import - Geometry builder GUI Olivier: ====== His program of work is here: October: * TLatex new symbols (at least #ell) (no) * Clean up the old OGL viewer (TPadView3D ... etc ... done by Fine) * Get the color of a bin in a 2D histogram drawn with "COLZ" (no) * With options "c" or "l", drawing is done through the bins centers. One could implement an algorithm extrapolating to the edges. 9no) December: * PostScript: Markers size must be revisited in PostScript(and PDF) files (in October) * PostScript output: merge TPostScript and GL2PS. (needs investigation 1st) * Implement progressively 3d plot (LEGO, SURF) with OGL. (needs investigation 1st) * Implement TPie, to draw pie chart (original code in HIGZ). Richard: ======= Minor 1. Clipping - resolve bugs with plane set clipping (mostly working) + checkin. (done) 1.5 expect fixes from Timur for CSG clipping 2. Add Translation/Scale/Rotate manipulators for all normal + clipping shapes (first two done as part of clipping). 3. Fix coding convention violations + comment all code properly. Major 4. Draft external control (scripting) components of TVV3D - camera (view) and clipping objects initially. 5. Intial support for large number of track/particles efficiently, or externally 'drawn' objects registered with viewer - to be discussed with Alice people. 6. CSG clipping - dep. on Timur. 7. GL-in-Pad updates. Dec Release ----------- Major 7. Stabilise external control components of TVV3D. 8. Event display framework - first draft. 9. New GUI suitible for event display components + embedded pad version. 10. Add heads up camera for easier navigation inside detectors. 11. Look at scene rebuild efficiency - pre-create/recycle TGLPhysicalShape slots. 12. Add more native GL tesselated shapes (as per spheres/tubes) if time - look at most common ones in detectors geometries. 13. Consider decoupling from pad completely - emit signals for selection, modification, request refilling of scene. Minor 14. More clipping shapes - dependent on CSG working. 15. Create clipping plane(s) directly from camera - parallel to film plane - with control to "push/pull away". 16. Restore TArcBall free perspective camera. 17. Investigate making TGLCylinder respect LOD flags at draw. 18. Interaction cursors. 19. Box zoom. 20. Lighting improvements - spotlights + carried light camera (miner's lamp). Anna ==== my plans are as following: for the October release: sPlot, TF23 minimization (no), sample quantiles in TMath and qqplots from those sample quantiles (deec) for the December release: Loess (nonparametric locally weighted polynomial fitting) and boxplots Gerri ===== - XPROOFD and all related stuff (moved to Dec) - new version of xrootd (ok) - TXNetSystem (ok) Ilka ==== October release - Improvement and validation of the style manager functionality; (still more to do) - Development of TAttPad and TFxx editors; (moved to Dec) December release: - To complete the missing functionality of the TStyleManager; - Undo/Redo tools (moved to next year) - New User's Guide edition in December - Completed GUI chapter + v.5 updates Lorenzo ======= Plans for next October release: MathCore: * GenVector o consolidation of Vector package. (still have to add one class) o add missing methods in rotation (no) o add transformation in 4 dimension (no) * Functions o define interfaces of IGenFunction and move from MathMore (no) * Random o have first version of standard random package ? ()no later MathMore: * define interface to be used by TF1 * add additional algorithms from GSL: fft, multidim. integration, multidim. root finders (problem: need probably to include GSL LA for some of these) Fitting: * add GMinuit using C++ Minuit as a tar file. C++ Minuit interfaces are not exposed, only used through GMinuit Plams for December release: MathCore: * complete interfaces to functions and algorithms to have integration with TF1 like classes * add some missing mathematical functions commonly used (incomplete beta and gamma) Fitting: * complete integration of new C++ Minuit in ROOT. Implement a backward-compatible interface. * complete new Fitter interfaces
    • 11:15 11:35
      CHEP06 abstracts and participants 20m 32/1-A24



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      Speaker: all
      Participants to CHEP06 ====================== Fons*, Gerri, Lorenzo*, Philippe, Rene, Stefan? * track coordinators Proposition for talks --------------------- -Rene: general talk on ROOT+ in plenary session -Gerri: talk on PROOF -Lorenzo: talk on mathlibs (extension of Anna'talk at Oxford) -Philippe: talk on I/O and trees -Stefan/Philippe: Progress with Reflex/Cint/rootcint -Fons/Rene/Ilka: The ROOT GUI (general status) -Fons/Ilka: "From Task Analysis to Application Design" -Rene?/Richard,Timur,Olivier: 3-d graphics in ROOT Proposition for posters ----------------------- -2-d graphics (Olivier abstract) -3-D graphics (Olivier..) -GUI (Ilka) -PROOF (Gerri) -Mathlibs (Lorenzo)
    • 11:35 12:00
      tour de table 25m 32/1-A24



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      Speaker: all
      Minutes of ROOT team meeting 21 October 2005 ============================================ Discussion about the coming dev and pro releases (see attachement) ------------------------------------------------- Dev release plan Nov 2 Update of Release Notes before end of next week (html) Discussion about CHEP06 abstracts/posters (see attachement) ----------------------------------------- Tour de table ------------- Rene ==== -Offices in Bldg32. Restructuring very soon -Workshop posters in the corridor today. -Please review the list of open bugs in Savannah -Moving our web pages in a place where more people can write? -Attended Data Base deployment workshop see see my talk at this page worried by several presentations -Organized 2 discussions with Kyle Cranmer (Atlas) -one on PROOF (with demo in Gerri's office at 14h00 today). (Kyle is very interested by PROOF. More expected in the coming months) -one on Stats tools required for LHC (Lorenzo to give more details) -to know more about PROOF activity see the PROOF twiki accessible from Philippe (from mail) ======== I just uploaded the fix for varying length array of Foreign objects. We are now working on solving the slight memory leak in TBranchElement. It does not delete the user object even if the TBranchElement created it. For now, it could not delete it since there is not delete operator for emulated object. So we need to write a 'delete operator' for emulated object but also we need to properly track how the object were created (by TClass::New) so that we can properly delete them (even if libraries were loaded/unloaded since). I am also working on solving rootcint parsing issues regarding templates (For Lorenzo and Eddy). Andrei ====== Bug fixes and meetings Gunter ======= Prototyping the OLBD for PROOF Jose ==== Fons proposing new rules Must soften the existing rules. Markus ====== LHCB moving to Reflex. Fixed bug in POOL related with long Working on references in general. Ilka ==== Lost her computer with an SLC3 upgrade. Will be in vacations next week. Please provide changes to the doc to Ilka before end of November. in particular Richard. The Qt layer testing took my time last weeks and I am not able to provide for the October release the promised development of TAttPad and TFxx editors + some improvements of the style editor. Beside of that was done: - improvements of the context menu functionality by additional syntax for context menus (with Mathieu de Naurois) and giving the possibility to users for changing the context menu title; - improvements of the marker editor design and functionality; - memory leak fixes; Bertrand ======== Working on the new PROOF GUI. Play with different versions of VC++7.1 and beta VC++8. Compiler flags changing. many changes expected in CINT. Working on a bug reported by Ed Oltman (difficult to reproduce). Also working a substantial fraction of his time with SPI Olivier ======= * Protections in TImageDump, in case the colors are no defined in DrawPS * Some fixes since the new clipping scheme: - Protection added in TPad::ClipPolygon (division by 0) - Revision 1.48 had a side effect: The error bars where not clipping properly. * GL - Improvements in TPad / GL - Improvements in GLViewer GUI and HELP - New version of gl2ps - PS output use new options to improve outline drawing in PS files. - GL in TPad did not work with hardware accelerated graphics * Problems in CONT4 contour option fixed: - Tick marks were on the wrong axis' side. - It was not possible to draw axis's grid. - SetTickx() and SetTicky() had no effect. The axis for CONT4 are now drawn with THistPainter::PaintAxis(), not anymore using TPainter3dAlgorithms. Program of work: Done: * PostScript: Markers size must be revisited in PostScript(and PDF) files On going: * PostScript output: merge TPostScript and GL2PS. (olivier) * Implement progressively 3d plot (LEGO, SURF) with OGL. (Timur) Some pending user requests: * Maximize/RestoreDown pad. The implementation is easy (done). But where to put it ? * The SetMaxDigits function (to change the axis label precision) now sets a global variable. So all the axis have the same value. There is a request to have this parameter for each axis. Anna ==== Polishing TSplot from Muriel. (Doc pending) Errors on TF1::Integral Lorenzo ======= Finish new GMinuit (must find a name) Ported to Windows by Bertrand. Contact with LHCb/Atlas for testing new Linear Algebra. (for small matrices).(but code inlining). Work on Vector transformation classes (one class existing in CLHEP). Discussion with Kyle Cranmer about a framework for Confidence limits on the same lines as Roofit. Kyle is going to propose a set of classes. Working with Anna on an FFT(W) package. Has also been busy with several SEAL releases. Richard ======= Working on plane/box clippings in the GL viewer. Controls to move objects around and control the camera. still has to fix the problem with the old geometries. Gerri ===== Working on xproofd to launch the PROOF servers. Adapting new version of xrootd from SLAC. Implement connect/disconnect in PROOF Working on TXNetSystem with new xrootd.