D. Menichelli (a,b), M. Scaringella (a,b), M. Bruzzi (a,b), A. Macchiolo (b), C. Piemonte (c), N. Zorzi (c), A. Candelori (d), V. Eremin (e), E. Verbitskaya (e), I. Ilyashenko (e), I. Pintilie (f)
a) Department of Energetics, Florence;
b) INFN, Florence division;
c) ITC IRST, Trento;
d) INFN, Padova division;
e) Ioffe Phys. Tech. Inst., St. Petersbug;
f) National Inst. Material Physics, Bhucarest .
David Menichelli
(INFN & University of Florence)