Deployment team - workshop

RAL - Conference room 10

RAL - Conference room 10

Topics not covered this time: - Pre-production service (status and plans) - Actions to take on security (on basis of SSC) - Databases at Tier-2s - Increased affilitation of some sites with NGS Any others?
    • 09:00 09:30
      COFFEE 30m
    • 09:30 10:00
      Review of open actions and actions process 30m
      - Some actions will be revisited during other items - How well is the process working & how can it be improved?
      Speaker: Jeremy
    • 10:00 10:15
      Status of SRM deployments 15m
      - Has the deployment worked - Is it sustainable - What are the major problems that have been encountered - Which sites are proving "difficult" - Are we happy with progress - What difficulties do we expect over the next 6 months?
      Speaker: Greig, Jens, Graeme
    • 10:15 11:00
      SC4 milestones and transfer tests 45m
      - Are any milestones looking unachievable - What are we learning from the transfer tests - Have sites started to engage enough - Is this scheduling process sufficient - Is the site support sufficient - Are the coordinators happy with their level of engagement in this area - What additional tests are required over those being done
      Speaker: Jeremy, Graeme and ALL!
    • 11:00 11:10
      (email) BREAK 10m
    • 11:10 12:00
      Experiment disk allocations at Tier-2s 50m
      - What is the request & future role of UB - What was suggested at the PMB/DB meetings - What are our concerns - What additional requirements information is needed - How do we implement the requests - How do we start/improve the experiment interaction to change perceptions about Tier-2 disk reliability - Can we write a summary of our understanding (of terms) - What else can WE do to get better experiment collaboration
      Speaker: Discussion
    • 12:00 12:30
      TPM - the UKI contribution 30m
      - What does it mean to be a Ticket Process Manager - How will the deployment team contribute - When do we need to support - What training is going to be provided
      Speaker: David Spence
    • 12:30 13:30
      LUNCH 1h
    • 13:30 14:15
      Building an effective testzone (and the 2.7.0 release) 45m
      - First, how are we going to work next week for 2.7.0 testing!? - What are the testzone objectives - How many machines were purchased & delivered (& still available!) - How are they allocated locally (what is each machine going to do) - What do we need in place to make the testzone work?
      Speaker: Jeremy/All
    • 14:15 14:45
      Areas the Tier-1 can help Tier-2s 30m
      - What expertise is available - What has been done that might be useful outside of the Tier-1 (e.g. efficiency & benchmark tools) - What processes are being followed for channels and transfers - Are there any concerns about current requests - What is the VOMS support model - Any other grid services?
      Speaker: Steve/Matt/Andrew
    • 14:45 15:00
      The latest on VO-Boxes 15m
      - Where does the Tier-1 stand in respect of each LHC experiment - What are we currently expecting of Tier-2 sites - Nature of the LCG "working group"
      Speaker: Catalin/Steve
    • 15:00 15:05
      BREAK 5m
    • 15:05 15:30
      Documentation 25m
      - What help is needed from the deployment team - What is the best way to use the wiki and how do we manage it! - Keeping web-pages up to date - Feedback on material so far - Ideas for "care & maintenance guide"
      Speaker: Stephen
    • 15:30 16:00
      ROC processes 30m
      - Actions required for VO summary information - How do we deploy and support VOs generally -- GridPP VO. AUP and joining mechanism - Getting better input from sites for reports - Actions in the area of security - What else!?
      Speaker: Jeremy
    • 16:00 16:10
      Meeting schedule and external meetings 10m
      - Dteam meetings - UKI ROC meetings - Perhaps plan a PPS meeting - Who is going to CHEP - June workshop on Tier-2 SC work
      Speaker: Jeremy