This session will provide overviews of the various key data management components that are either deployed directly at Tier2 sites, or else provide services to Tier2 sites.
Gavin McCance
Paolo Badino
6/15/06, 9:00 AM
The File Transfer Service is used to download data to Tier2s (e.g. analysis data, datasets to produce calibrations & alignments) and to upload data from Tier2s to Tier1s (MC production)
Jean-Philippe Baud
Sophie Lemaitre
6/15/06, 9:45 AM
The LCG File Catalog is required as a local catalog at all sites by ALICE.
It is provided at the T0 and all T1s - the latter serving also T2s - for ATLAS.
An LFC instance at CERN serves as a CMS global DLS(=DataLocationSystem) catalog.
It is provided as a central catalog at the T0 for LHCb.