Christopher Orme
(Durham University)
08/12/2008, 14:00
We introduce the possibility of determining the neutrino mass scale from monitoring the decays of a crystalised beam. Through the careful control of the beam momentum, one can perform a 'cut' on the electron spectrum with only electrons near the endpoint traveling backwards in the laboratory frame. The idea is introduced with the results from preliminary simulations presented.
Steen Hannestad
(University of Aarhus)
08/12/2008, 14:25
Future large scale structure surveys provide one of the most
promising techniques for probing the neutrino mass. I will present
results from detailed N-body simulations of structure formation in
models with neutrino mass. Such simulations are necessary for the
next generation of surveys such as the LSST
Manfred Lindner
(Max Planck Institut fuer Kernphysik)
08/12/2008, 14:50
It will be shown why the GSI anomaly can in principle not be due to
neutrino mixing.