12–13 Apr 2006
Europe/Zurich timezone


Thursday morning

13 Apr 2006, 09:00
IT Auditorium (CERN)

IT Auditorium



The second day will introduce the different activities, and each activity shall give a presentation on their objectives and what the major tasks are for the coming year.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Bob Jones
13/04/2006, 09:00
Erwin Laure
13/04/2006, 09:30
Ian Bird
13/04/2006, 10:00
Mathieu Goutelle
13/04/2006, 11:00
Markus Schultz
13/04/2006, 11:15
Claudio Grandi
13/04/2006, 11:45
Building timetable...