South East Europe Regional Workshop towards long-term Sustainability of the European Grid Infrastructure

GRNET Headquarters, Mesogion Avenue 56, Athens Gre

GRNET Headquarters, Mesogion Avenue 56, Athens Gre

Prof. Panayiotis Tsanakas, Chairman of the Board, GRNET, Greece
Purpose and objectives: - To exchange information on the current status and future plans of National Grid Initiatives (NGIs) in South East Europe - To present the need for a sustainable European Grid Initiative to national representatives of the Government, Research and Technology - To gather input from policymakers and researchers on their desiderata and requirements for a supranational Grid computing infrastructure - To present preliminary ideas on how such an infrastructure might be organized, including the roles which national Grid initiatives would play - To present a draft roadmap towards a sustainable European Grid Infrastructure - To reflect on possible models and receive feedback on different Grid infrastructure proposals
External references
    • 08:30 11:00
      Session A: Status and Future Plans of National Grid Initiatives
      • 08:30
        Welcome and Introduction 15m
        • Welcome note 5m
          Speaker: Prof. Ioannis Tsoukalas (State Secretary for Research and Technology, Ministry of Technology Greece)
        • Introduction note 10m
          Speaker: Prof. Panayiotis Tsanakas (Chairman of the Board, GRNET, Greece)
          more information
      • 08:45
        Summary of National Grid Initiative in Bulgaria 15m
        Speaker: Prof. Kiril Boyanov (Director, Institute for Parallel Processing, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria)
        more information
      • 09:00
        Summary of National Grid Initiative in Cyprus 15m
        Speaker: Prof. Marios Dikaiakos (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
      • 09:15
        Summary of National Grid Initiative in Greece 15m
        Speaker: Dr. Fotis Karayannis (HellasGrid Scientific Coordinator, GRNET, Greece)
      • 09:30
        Summary of National Grid Initiative in Israel 15m
        Speaker: Prof. David Horn (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
      • 09:45
        Summary of National Grid Initiative in Romania 15m
        Speaker: Prof. Doina Banciu (Director, National Institute for R&D in Informatics, ICI, Bucharest, Romania)
      • 10:00
        Coffee Break 15m
      • 10:15
        Summary of National Grid Initiative in Serbia 15m
        Speaker: Prof. Aleksandar Belic (Scientific Computing Laboratory, Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro)
      • 10:30
        Summary of National Grid Initiative in Turkey 15m
        Speaker: Prof. Cem Sarac (Director, Turkish Academic Network and Information Center, Turkey)
      • 10:45
        Questions and Discussions 15m
        Speaker: Dr. Robin Middleton (Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom)
    • 11:00 14:00
      Session B: Towards a sustainable European Grid Initiatve
      • 11:00
        State of European Grids and the need for a sustainable European Grid Infrastructure 20m
        Speaker: Dr. Kyriakos Baxevanidis (Deputy Head, Research Infrastructures Unit, European Commission,)
      • 11:20
        Organizational ideas for a sustainable future European Grid Infrastructure 20m
        Speaker: Dr. Bob Jones (EGEE Project Director)
      • 11:40
        Discussion 1h
        - European Grid Infrastructure concept - How National initiatives fit into the model - Sharing of responsibilities - Funding models - Roadmap
      • 12:40
        Wrap-up, reflecting feedback expressed by national representatives 20m
        Speaker: Dr. Fotis Karayannis (HellasGrid Scientific Coordinator, GRNET, Greece)
      • 13:00
        Light Lunch 15m