EGEE Industry Day



Christian Saguez
During the first phase of EGEE , key applications were deployed in scientific fields, such as High Energy Physics, life sciences and earth observation, that have paved the way for application deployment in the Industrial sector and increased links with Industry. The EGEE Industry Day, taking place in Paris will be a first of a kind event for the EGEE Project for Industry to interact directly with the EGEE project and will bring together decision makers, research heads, policy makers & CTOs to learn how industrial applications can be deployed on EGEE. The event will highlight where grid computing can create new industrial solutions and how organizations can benefit from sophisticated computing resources of grid, not available in traditional IT infrastructures. Interactive discussions will provide an opportunity to get an industry perspective and discover how to EGEE can work towards a commercial grid. If you are interested in working with EGEE or deploying an industrial application on EGEE, REGISTER online at to attend the first Industry Day, 27 April 2006 in Paris, at the LPHNE (Laboratoire de Physique Nucleaire et des Hautes Energies, located in the centre of Paris, near the river Seine and the famous “Quartier Latin”. The event is free of charge but registration is required due to the limited amount of space.
    • 1
      Speaker: Guy Wormser (Director of the LAL, IN2P3)
    • 2
      Introduction on Grid and to the EGEE Project
      Speaker: Robert Jones (EGEE Project Director)
    • 3
      EGEE Middleware
      Speaker: Claudio Grandi (EGEE Project)
    • 10:40
      Coffee Break
    • 4
      Grid Operations and Management
      Speaker: Ian Bird (EGEE Project)
      more information
    • 5
      Grid: how to get involved
      Speaker: Hannelore Hammerle (EGEE Project)
      more information
    • 12:00
    • 6
      Successful EGEE Transfer
      Speaker: Beppe Ugolotti, Fabrizio Pacini (Nice Italy, Datamat)
    • 7
      Grid for Geosciences
      Speaker: Gael Youinou (Compagnie Generale de Geophysique)
    • 8
      Grid for SMEs
      Speaker: David Garcia (OpenPlast Project, European Pole of Plasturgy)
      more information
    • 9
      NESSI and BEinGRID projects
      Speaker: Josep Martrat (ATOS Origin)
    • 15:00
      Coffee Break
    • 10
      Panel Discussion: towards a commercial grid offer
      Panellists: David Garcia, European Pole of Plasturgy Robert Jones, EGEE Project Director Max Lemke, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission Josep Martrat, ATOS Origin Gael Youinou, Compagnie Generale de Geophysique
      Speaker: Chairperson: Douglas McKinley (EGEE Industry Forum)
    • 11
      Speaker: Christian Saguez (Ecole Centrale Paris)
      more information