Data Management Cluster Meeting

28-R-006 (CERN)



David Smith
Agenda: Outstanding testing: GFAL, lcg_utils, DPM, LFC -> Verify that with recent changes for build system, DPM/LFC still produce good builds on LCG build system -> Fixes from Jiri for GFAL, lcg_utils -> Forthcoming fixes for DPM dpm_abortreq() and dpm_abortfiles() -> GridFTP2 Work for: GFAL -> SRMv2 (going on now) -> thread safety -> allow (complete) rootd interface to GFAL Work for: lcg_utils -> thread safety -> retries, using different file replicas -> support for multiple LFC replicas xrootd: -> produce a DPM aware xrootd Work for: LFC / DPM -> backup of database(s) (inparticular the namespace db) LFC Deployment -> What's the status / any problems? x86-64 bit support: -> implies a change to VDT-1.3 (essentialy to globus 4, non WS only) -> some work/checking for eveything that touches globus -> anything else? AOB
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