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ROC (138)



Nick Thackray

This meeting is 10:00 to 11:30 UTC.

Phone number is: +41 22 767 6000
Access code is: 0147097
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The conference call opens 5 minutes before the meeting starts.


    • 11:00 11:10
      Admin matters 10m
    • Quarterly Report
    • Meetings
    • Milestones
    • Deliverables
    • Moderators
Speaker: Alistair Mills
more information
  • 11:10 11:20
    Discussion on activities of SA2 10m
    Several questions arose from the ARM-8 meeting regarding the activities of SA2 (in particular whether the network information will be stored in the GOC db or somewhere else. I have invited Mathieu to come along to answer our questions.
    Speaker: Mathieu Goutelle (CNRS - Lyon)
    more information
  • 11:20 11:30
    OSCT: rota, ROC contacts and it's place in the security landscape 10m
    There were questions at the ARM-8 meeting regarding the OSCT, particularly on the new rota, the members of the OSCT team and also how this team fits in with the other security teams.
    I've asked Ian Neilson to come along to answer questions.
    Speaker: Ian Neilson
    more information
  • 11:30 11:50
    Agenda for 1-day operations workshop on 25 January 20m
    Speaker: Maite Barroso
    The final dates proposed for next 1-day operations workshop are Thursday 25th January in the afternoon, and Friday 26th January in the morning, at CERN. The tentative agenda is: Thursday afternoon: - site oriented tutorial, covering the most common site unreliability causes, e.g.: batch system configuration, information providers, site BDII deployment, etc. If there is time, we can also have 1 hour to understand the SAM tests: what they do, and how to debug and diagnose when they fail Friday morning: - report on GGUS BOF - report on monitoring BOF - status update on Top 5 ROC issues - status update on EGEE - OSG - NDGF interoperations Please, let us know any comment, suggestion, addition to this proposal. Thanks in advance and best regards, Maite
  • 11:50 12:10
    Report from TCG discussion on ROCs' top issues 20m
    Speaker: Daniele Cesini / Alessandra Forti
    more information
  • 12:10 12:20
    COD Update 10m
    Speaker: Helene Cordier
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  • 12:20 12:30
    AOB 10m