GridPP Joint PMB/Deployment Board meeting

CR 12/13 R68 (10th) and CR08 R26 (11th) RAL

CR 12/13 R68 (10th) and CR08 R26 (11th) RAL

Kelsey, D
  • Tuesday 10 January
    • 14:00 17:00
      Session 1 CR 12/13 R68 RAL

      CR 12/13 R68 RAL

      • 14:00
        Introduction 10m
        Aims of meeting. Agree agenda. Note taker.
      • 14:10
        Discussion of Deployment Issues for OC 1h
        Discussion of GridPP actions (related to deployment) from July 2005 Oversight Committee meeting
        • Action 2 15m
          GridPP to ensure that future reports on the deployment metrics show changes in the data or any new metrics used.
          Speaker: Coles, J / Britton, D
        • Action 3 15m
          GridPP to look at the better performing sites and find out what they were doing to make them more effective.
        • Action 7 15m
          GridPP to invest more resources in the production and maintenance of documentation and web pages related to deployment and operations. A chance to review Documentation issues
          Speaker: Burke, S
        • Action 8 15m
          GridPP to put pressure on CERN to develop a deployment model that was more sustainable for the smaller Tier 2 centres.
          Speaker: Cass, T / Lloyd, S
      • 15:15
        Coffee/Tea 15m
      • 15:30
        Deployment Technical Issues 30m
        • dCache to DPM file transfer performance problems 30m
          Speaker: Stewart, G
          more information
      • 16:00
        Tier 2 issues 30m
        • Issues from Q4 2005 reports 15m
          Speaker: Coles, J / Lloyd, S
        • How to implement UB Tier2 "allocations" 15m
        • Support of VO's at Tier 2's
      • 16:30
        Documents for next OC 30m
        Discuss structure and draft content of deployment documents for next OC meeting
        • Deployment Report 15m
          Speaker: Kelsey, D
        • Performance Monitoring 15m
          Speaker: Coles, J
  • Wednesday 11 January
    • 09:00 10:30
      Session 2 CR 8 R26 RAL

      CR 8 R26 RAL

      • 09:00
        Policy Issues 1h 30m
        • Creation and support of GridPP (and local) VO\'s 30m
          Speaker: Forti, A / Coles, J
        • Security Vulnerabilities 30m
          Speaker: Cornwall, L
        • GridPP Security Policy - approval process 30m
          Speaker: Kelsey, D