A CERN openlab event: Grid Entrepreneurship Day
IT Auditorium
Background: This workshop is organized as part of the lecture programme for the CERN openlab student programme, which is co-sponsored by CERN, HP, Intel and the EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-Science) project. PPARC, the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council of the UK, is a special sponsor of this event. The event is open to all and free of charge.
External Participation: Participants from outside CERN should contact the organizers (Francois.Grey@cern.ch) to arrange access to CERN for the event.
Workshop Programme
Morning Session
09:00 Welcome and Introduction to the EGEE project - Bob Jones, Director of the EGEE project
09:15 Setting the Scene: why Grid and Entrepreneurship? - Francois Grey, coordinator, openlab student programme
09:30 Assessing the market potential of technology - Nathan Hill, PPARC KITE Club Innovation Advisory Service
10:00 An assessment of the Industrial potential of EGEE - Alex Efimov, PPARC KITE Club Innovation Advisory Service
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Developing a spin-out company - Nathan Hill
11:30 Grid spin-out Case Study #1: Kerlabs - Pascal Gallard, CEO
12:00 Grid spin-out Case Study #2: MESH Technologies - Søren F. Nielsen, CEO
12:30 Lunch Break
Afternoon Session
14:00 Knowledge and technology transfer at CERN - Beatrice Bressan, CERN Technology Transfer
14:15 Regional Case Study #1: Spin-outs in France and Switzerland - Joint presentation by Bruna Carchia, Agence de Développement du Pays de Gex et Bellegarde and Daniel Loeffler, Office de la Promotion Economique, Genève
14:45 Regional Case Study #2: Spin-outs in Finland - Antti Heikkilä, Big Science ILO associate and EGEE Industry Liaison, Finland
15:00 Coffee Break
15:15 Partnering with Industry - Nathan Hill
16:00 Managing Intellectual Property - Alex Efimov
16:45 Q&A, Wrap-up
17:00 End of workshop
Organiser(s): Sverre Jarp and François Grey, CERN
More information: http://openlab-mu-internal.web.cern.ch/openlab-mu-internal/News-Events/Event_pages/06-02_Grid_Entrepreneurship_Day.asp