This session explores how to write or port applications to run using gLite 3.0 middleware. It builds upon the introductory session given on Tuesday.
The goals are:
1. to give an overview of challenges inherent in grid application development
2. to give relevant practical experience of using gLite services
Prerequisite: Competence in use of Linux will be needed to edit files and command-lines. Participants will be encouraged to work in pairs or threes, so not everyone needs that competance.
We will use ssh to access the GILDA testbed to run the exercises.
The session is presented by Guy Warner and Mike Mineter of Training, Outreach and Education, Edinburgh.
Application development for the EGEE grid45m
This talk sets the context of the session. It explores the challenges inherent in developing applications for Grids.
It then reviews some of the functionality that was introduced in gLite 3.0 that is of particular significance to application developers.
Finally an overview of the remaining practicals and talks is given.
Practical: Application development1h 30m
There are three sets of exercises in this practical.
1. More complex examples of Workload Management including use of a script to run several jobs.
2. Running an MPI job
3. Use of the GFAL library to access a file on a Storage Element
This talk gives a brief reminder about the data services in gLite and then introduces the need for the AMGA service, to support metadata. This is used in a short practical.
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What is happening in my jobs? Monitoring using R-GMA1h 20m
R-GMA provides information and monitoring services. It permits Grid users to share information in a virtual database.
The concepts of R-GMA will be explained in a talk and in the first of two practicals.
The second practical explores the use of R-GMA in monitoring applications.
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A look to the future25m
An introduction is given to OMII-Europe and ETICS, which are helping to set the context for future application development on grids.
Initiatives towards application hosting environments and "service oriented research" are described.