First Industrial FAST Workshop - registration and information
FH Aachen University of Applied Science
Academia and Industry Come Together for the 1st Industrial FAST Workshop @Aachen Sep.'15
This year we launched the first Industrial FAST (Fast Advanced Scintillator Timing) Workshop at the European Trans Domain COST Action in Aachen. This workshop brought together scholars, industry leaders and visionaries from across the world to discuss how academia and industry can partner to address the challenges and the opportunities that scintillator-based detectors with time precision better than 100ps presents.
Scintillator-based detectors have been very successful in high energy physics (HEP) calorimetry, medical imaging, and many other applications. In particular, the potential of such detectors to achieve precise timing information is of increasing importance for those applications. The implications of such a radical improvement in time resolution come with dramatic benefits in many domains. HEP will profit from a significant increase in detection efficiency and the health sector from an unprecedented improvement in imaging quality and image reconstruction time. Such a ‘paradigm’ change, however, must go hand-in-hand with a similar break in the interdisciplinary domain of photon detection. Therefore, new expertise must be gained in the fields of scintillators, photo detectors, as well as electronics read out systems to develop ultrafast timing scintillator-based detectors.
We were delighted to be joined by impressive speakers in the field of SiPMs and their application in the field of high energy physics and medical / biological imaging technologies.
The Fast Advanced Scintillation Timing is more than a technology shift. It represents a technical revolution with profound impact on feasible applications in particle physics, accelerator physics, medical & biological imaging, non-destructive industrial processing and electronic design issues. An important objective that this action also embarks on is training young researchers in a very innovative approach. We need change agents from every facet of industry, government, academia and healthcare to harness the full potential of FAST and to define what is possible.
Responsible transformation will be ushered through an alliance of industry and academia. The success of the Research and Industrial Workshop and the dialogue that we started should continue in the following years.