Rare and semi-rare B meson decays at ATLAS

Not scheduled
Research Hall Room 163 (George Mason University)

Research Hall Room 163

George Mason University

Fairfax, VA USA


Umberto De Sanctis (University of Sussex (GB))


[with a not-yet defined ATLAS speaker]
Processes involving the FCNC transitions in b-hadron decays
are suppressed in the SM and are sensitive to new physics. New results
in the search for the rare decays of Bs and Bd into mu+mu- are
presented. They are based on the full sample of data collected by
ATLAS at 7 and 8 TeV collision energy. The consistency with the SM and
with other available measurements is discussed. The properties of the
decay of the Bd meson into K*mu+mu- are also sensitive to the presence
of New Physics in loops and has received renewed interest because of
possible deviations from the standard model in this decay observed by
LHCb. We present recent results obtained by ATLAS, concerning the
angular distribution parameters FL, S_i and P’_i in the region
Q^2(mu+mu-)<6 GeV^2.

Primary author

Umberto De Sanctis (University of Sussex (GB))

Presentation materials

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