International Conference on Kaon Physics
The International Conference on Kaon Physics will be hosted by the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) on 14–17 September 2016. This conference continues the KAON series. Topics:
- CP and T violation
- CKM matrix and Flavour Mixing
- Rare decays
- Precision SM tests
- CPT and Quantum Mechanics
- Lepton universality and flavour violation
- Lattice gauge theory
- Chiral perturbation theory
- Physics beyond the Standard Model
- Future opportunities in Kaon Physics
Previous KAON conferences:
- KAON 2013 – University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
- KAON 2009 – Tsukuba, Japan
- KAON 2007 – Frascati, Italy
- KAON 2005: Northwestern University, USA
- KAON 2001: Pisa, Italy
- KAON99: University of Chicago, USA
- Workshop on Kaon Physics 1996 at Orsay
- Workshop on Rare Kaon Decay Physics 1991 at KEK
- Rare Decay Symposium 1988 at Vancouver
Conference homepage: