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SA1 coordination meeting

28-R-06 (CERN)






This meeting is 10:00 to 11:30 UTC+1
Phone number is: +41 22 767 6000
Access code is: 0191881
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The conference call opens 15 minutes before the meeting starts.
Recording of the meeting
    • 10:00 10:10
      Admin matters
      1. MSA1.7: comments from 1 reviewer received; waiting for the other one.
      2. Reminder: F2F meeting in Catania, Wednesday 4th March.
      3. Next phone meetings: 3rd February, 17th February
      4. Deadline for QR3 contributions (partner reports, task reports, ROC aggregations): Friday 6th February
    • 10:10 10:20
      All activity meeting in January

      The main goal of the AA meeting is to provide input into the EGI documents (primarily 5.5) to start planning for the transition.

      Expected outputs from the AA meeting

      As discussed previously we want to:
      1. Review the tasks that EGEE currently performs that will continue within the EGI ecosystem and under which organisation they will go.
      2. Generate a list of issues that need to be resolved to do (1) and the assumptions we are making in doing the mapping.
      3. Prioritise these defined tasks.
      4. Identify the changes that need to be made within EGEE in year 2 in order to simplify the transition to EGI

      At the AA

      1. Review the material with the wider audience during the general sessions looking for gaps, overlaps and provide general feedback.
      2. What are the key issues across all activities that we need to be resolved before further analysis can be done?
      3. Start to identify the changes that could be made within EGEE to have a more EGI operating model.

      Following the presentations from an EGEE activity perspective... we have some time allocated for parallel sessions on the second day. This provides an opportunity to look at the tasks from an EGI perspective. By grouping ourselves as (Technical & Organisational) and as NGIs.

    • 10:20 10:35
      ROC regional models

      Dear ROC managers,

      After our face to face meeting last week in Abingdon, we all should have a clear view of the work to be done in the different operations tasks to achieve a distributed model.
      But we have also seen that there is not a single model that all regions/NGIs will adopt, so it is now time for you to work on describing as much as possible the distributed model in your region (or NGIs inside your region), so we can put all together and deploy a model that fulfills most of the requirements.

      Please, try to cover all the different areas we are dealing with now in grid operations, and specify how you will implement them, what tools would you need, what you would expect from a central coordination level.

      Let’s target end of January to have a first draft from each ROC. I will try to work out a template with the different areas to cover and distribute it by mid January (but don’t wait for the template! This is to have an homogeneous summary, you can start working on it already now).
      I’ll put an action at the SA1 coordination meetings so we follow it up.


    • 10:35 10:50
    • 10:50 11:05
      Roadmap summary for regionalisation of operations in 2009
    • 11:05 11:20
      status/progress/plans of the RAG
      1. All agreements with sites according to amount of resources provided are done. The summary is the following:

      GRIF: 39 cores, 4.5 TB
      STFC: 146 cores, 1 TB
      CYFRONET: 30 cores, 15 TB
      GR-01-AUTH: 42 cores, 6.5 TB

      which gives: 257 cores and 27 TB in total.

      1. It was clarified by Project Office that money related to seed resources will be allocated by a contract amendment. I suppose this will affect WBS while there is an option that money will be claimed by partners as effort (!). It is equally clear for sites that they are obliged to start support earlier (on demand).

      2. The first VO that will be running on seed-resource is according to suggestion from Cal. Currently, I almost finished agreeing with VO the level of support (it took some time becouse VO was not fully prepared). If resources required will be confirmed I will request the site to prepare the configuration.

      3. For other VOs, the possibility of requesting such resources is mentioned on NA4 policies wiki. I contacted NA4 people responsible for this, whenever there were any requests for resources that would be valid still, but there were no.

      4. We are ready to handle new requests being contacted by GGUS ticket (according NA4 policy). Additional, I requested extension to VO cards in CIC portal to make possible apply for seed resource directly while registering the VO ( Helene promised me to handle this with a high priority.

    • 11:20 11:30
      1. Item 1