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CERN Computing Seminar

UNOSAT Grid project: using the grid to handle satellite images

by Prof. Olivier Ertz (HEIG-Vaud), Xavier Vincent Meyer

IT Auditorium (CERN)

IT Auditorium



The UNOSAT Grid Project story began at CERN during the Tsunami disaster at the end of 2005. 

During this crisis, CERN provided its help to UNOSAT, a United Nations initiative that provides the humanitarian community with access to satellite imagery. UNOSAT and a CERN   transferred a great amount of data related to the Asian Tsunami into the CASTOR storage management system and set a software infrastructure enabling users to access this data.

From this initial collaboration more activity related to the grid have started in a collaboration between CERN and UNOSAT, together with the Geneva University and the ecole engenieurs also in Geneva.  In order to enable UNOSAT operators to have access to their data on a fully disctributed way, a new phase of the collaboration was started.

We present here valuable tools emerged from this collaboration, offering field workers new faciltiy to access their data. The first part will describe the architecture simplifying the grid complexity to the front-end user and the management of geospatial metadata on the grid. In the second part we will demonstrate some of the tools designed for the UNOSAT field workers : the web and the mobile grid portal access.

Organised by: Miguel Angel Marquina
Computing Seminars /IT Department

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