1st DT Steering Board Meeting

155/R-047 (CERN)



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1st PH-DT Steering Board Meeting ======================== Participating: Ferdinand Hahn, Christian Joram, Antti Onnela, Allain Gonidec (chairman), Marzio Nessi, Austin Ball, Lars Leistam, Werner Witzeling, Ernst Radermacher,Veronique Wedlake (minutes) Excused: Philippe Bloch Presentation (Christian): . DT structure and organisation . Overview of 2008 activities and manpower attribution . Maintenance and operation of LHC experiments (2009 - ) . Outlook on new projects . Some questions by M. Nessi related to resource allocations and R&D. Various items ========== . Space issues: ----------------- + Departmental Silicon Facility: High class clean room - Space attribution to be reviewed in one year time. No objections by experiments. + Crystal Palace Hall 168: CMS is currently freeing it. - to be used for DT projects + B154 Clean room: used by ATLAS pixel, essentially for storage - should be made available for future (tracker upgrade) projects . Detector cooling: -------------------- + Discussion about the proposal of creating a PH cooling activity - general agreement to the approach - the proposed initial DT Mandate looks reasonable - the role of the proposed 'Working Group' is less clear. A. Ball proposed to call it a 'Project' instead. - Experiments expect that the major part of the resources come from DT. + Conclusion: PH + DT to define a more concrete proposal (structure, mandate, names) in 2 weeks time. ========================================== Presentation (Ferdi): . Pending M&O work packages for MCP, DSS, RCS... . Conclusion: WP will be approved in its current form. Scope will be reviewed when more operational experience is available with the possibility to add other common elements to the piquet service. ========================================== Next Meeting ========= before LHC re-start, tentatively June 2009
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:00 14:10
      DT structure and organization 10m
    • 14:15 14:30
      Overview of activities and manpower attribution 15m
    • 14:35 14:45
      Maintenance and operation of LHC experiments 10m
    • 14:50 15:00
      Outlook on new projects 10m
    • 15:05 15:20
      Various items 15m
      - Detector cooling: operation, consolidation, R&D. - TS-LEA activities (gas distribution, cabling, EAM). - Pending DT work package on MCP, DSS, RCS … EDMS ID 803428 https://edms.cern.ch/document/1554586619/5
    • 15:25 15:35
      AOB 10m