12–15 Jun 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone

Wake field monitors - design, implementation and first experiences

13 Jun 2016, 14:00


Debrecen Hungary


Micha Dehler (PSI)


State of the art free electron laser and linear collider
projects require a tight control of emittance dilution
caused by transverse wake field of misaligned components. An attractive option in RF structures are wake field
monitors (WFMs), measuring directly internal transverse
higher order modes.

In collaboration between CERN, PSI and
Sincrotrone Trieste, X band structures with integrated WFMs
have been designed and manufactured, which will serve as longitudinal
phase space linearizers for free electron lasers as the SwissFEL.

I will present the basic ideas in designing such a monitor and how to integrate
this device into a accelerating structure without perturbing the basic
properties of the accelerating mode. Furthermore, I will describe the practical
implementation into the mechanical design. An interesting feature of the system
is the front end, where we are currently developing an electro-optic version
for transport and down conversion of the large bandwidth signals in the
15 GHz domain. As I will show,
first tests with a basic prototype system used in
the SwissFEL injector test facility SITF proved
the basic concept as well as advanced features as the direct measurement of
structure tilt via spectral analysis of the WFM signals.


Presentation materials