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TH String Theory Seminar

AdS4 solutions of massive IIA from dyonic supergravity and their simple Chern-Simons duals

by Oscar Varela (Ecole Polytechnique)



It has been recently pointed out that maximal gauged supergravities in four dimensions often come in one-parameter families. The parameter measures the combination of electric and magentic vectors in D=4 that participate in the gauging. I will explain the higher-dimensional origin of these dyonic gaugings, when the gauge group is chosen to be ISO(7). This supergravity arises from consistent truncation of massive IIA on the six-sphere, with the dyonically-gauging parameter identified with the Romans mass. The (AdS) vacua of the 4D supergravity uplift to new, explicit AdS4 backgrounds of massive type IIA. I will also show that the 3D field theories dual to these AdS4 solutions are Chern-Simons-matter theories with a simple gauge group and level k also identified with the Romans mass.