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Pre HEP SYSMAN: Workshop on Ganga

Moseley Room (University of Manchester)

Moseley Room

University of Manchester

Schuster Building, Brunswick Street.
Alessandra Forti (University of Manchester (GB)), Mark William Slater (University of Birmingham (GB))
UK HEP System Managers Pre Meeting Workshop on Ganga. PREREQUISITE: Ganga is pure python but for this workshop, we recommend running the CernVM on a laptop. Run through the tutorial here: This will get you a system that can not only try out Ganga but also submit to the GridPP Dirac service. If you don't have access to the GridPP Dirac service or just want to try out Ganga on local backends, any SL6 installation should work though having CMVFS would be an advantage. Running from Lxplus would be the obvious choice here.
Pre HEP SYSMAN: Workshop on Ganga
  • Alessandra Forti
  • Alex Owen
  • Andrew McNab
  • Benjamin Morgan
  • Colton Hill
  • Diego Garcia-Gamez
  • Ewan Mac Mahon
  • Kashif Mohammad
  • Mark William Slater
  • Matt Doidge
  • Matt Williams
  • Peter Gronbech
  • Robert Frank
  • Robin Eamonn Long
  • Sean Brisbane
  • Stephen Jones
  • Tom Whyntie
    • 13:00 14:00
      First Steps with Ganga

      This session will cover the first 4 sections of the Ganga Tutorial and be an initial introduction to Ganga and it's basic functionality.

      1. Installation and Basic Usage
      2. Configuration
      3. Job Manipulation
      4. Running Executables
    • 14:00 15:00
      Backends and Data

      This session will cover running jobs on different backends including DIrac. It will also look at how Ganga handles input and output data with for it's jobs. It will cover the following sections in the tutorial:

      1. Using different backends
      2. Input and Output Data
    • 15:00 15:30

      This session will cover the use of splitters in Ganga to create many subjobs from one master job.

      1. Splitters
    • 15:30 16:00
    • 16:00 16:30
      Post Processors

      This session will cover the various things you can get Ganga to do after you job finishes including Merging and File Checking

      1. Post Processors
    • 16:30 17:30
      Advanced Topics

      This last practical session will cover the some miscellaneous and advanced uses of Ganga including Tasks and Threads/Queues.

      1. Miscellaneous functionality
      2. Queues
      3. Tasks
    • 17:30 18:00
      Additional and Future Topics

      This will just highlight some of the areas of Ganga we haven't covered and those that are coming soon