Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

LIU - Planning & Installation meeting

874/R-018 - salle de réunion activité CCC (CERN)

874/R-018 - salle de réunion activité CCC


Show room on map
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      Approval of the minutes
      Speaker: Julie Coupard (CERN)
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      Follow-up on the ECRs
      Speaker: Julie Coupard (CERN)
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      LIU-PS ECR PS-ACC10-EC-0001 (EDMS 1563704) Upgrade of the RF Amplifier and Installation of a New Water Distribution for the 10MHz Cavity in SS11 of the PS Ring
      Installation of a new water distribution in SS11 for the renovated final amplifier of the 10MHz cavity
      Speakers: Carlo Rossi (CERN), Heiko Damerau (CERN), Valentin Daniel Desquiens (CERN)
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      LIU-SPS ECR SPS-V-EC-0002 (EDMS 1543081) Modification of the SPS sectorization in long vacuum sector 460
      Installation of 1 new DN 100 sector valve (VVSA). A new gauge (Pirani and Penning) have also to be installed. Two new VVR (roughing valves) have to be installed. This is the first step of a larger sectorization campaign that will involve the remaining arcs, starting from EYETS.
      Speakers: Chiara Pasquino (CERN), Jose Antonio Ferreira Somoza (CERN)
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      LIU-PSB ECR PSB-MSMIB-EC-0001 (EDMS 1561343) Upgraded PSB Vertical Distribution Septum BI.SMV10
      Removal of the current BI.SMV10 and installation of a new 160 MeV BI.SMV10 with associated transformers and connections
      Speaker: Michael Hourican (CERN)
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      LIU-PSB ECR PSB-K-EC-0001 (EDMS 1560692) BSW Chicane Stripping Foil Magnet Power Converter Infrastructure
      For the 160 MeV beam injection into the Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB), a new H- charge-exchange injection system will be installed in sector 1L1, as described in ECR: PSB-L-EC-0001. With reference to document 1495860, sixteen new BSW chicane stripping foil magnets, 4 in each ring, will be installed in 1L1 necessitating the installation of 60 new standard 19¿ racks to house the power converters, auxiliary power infrastructure and the magnet interlocks. The pulse transformers for BSW2, 3, and 4 shall be separated from the power converters and installed at a separate location.
      Speaker: David Hay (CERN)
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