1:30 PM
Lenny Rivkin
(Paul Scherrer Institut (CH))
(6/R-012 - conference room)
1:45 PM
Collaboration Issues and Status
Philip Burrows
(Oxford University)
Steinar Stapnes
(6/R-012 - conference room)
2:30 PM
CTF3 report
Roberto Corsini
Erik Adli
(University of Oslo (NO))
Philip Burrows
(Oxford University)
Steinar Stapnes
Roger Ruber
(Uppsala University (SE))
(6/R-012 - conference room)
3:15 PM
FEL Application collaboration
Gerardo D'Auria
(Elettra Trieste)
(6/R-012 - conference room)
3:30 PM
Next CLIC and LC related meetings
Philip Burrows
(Oxford University)
(6/R-012 - conference room)
3:40 PM
Next CB meeting
Roger Ruber
(Uppsala University (SE))
(6/R-012 - conference room)
3:45 PM
AOB and close
Roger Ruber
(Uppsala University (SE))
(6/R-012 - conference room)