Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme

"The Opposite Ends of Supersymmetry and their Implications for the LHC" (3/3)

by Dr James Wells (CERN-TH)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


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There have been many predictions for the mass patterns of superpartners. In these lectures I discuss two interesting opposite-end approaches to supersymmetry breaking that determine the superpartner masses: zero scalar mass supersymmetry (no scale, gaugino mediation, etc.) and heavy scalar mass supersymmetry (split susy, PeV-scale susy, etc.). We will step through the theory motivations for each scenario, and detail the rich phenomena that each implies for LHC discovery.
Video in CDS
From the same series
1 2
Organised by

Daniele Lajust