2nd TEMF-CERN Meeting

30/5-039 (CERN)



Show room on map

~11h30: meet our team in Bldg. 30, time allowing, we show in a ppt about what we are currently up to.
12h30: lunch in R2
14h00-16h00: visit accelerator control room and magnet R&D workshop, magnet test facility 
16h00-18h00: news from TEMF, discussion simulation strategies
19h30: dinner in Meyrinoise

9h00: discussion future joint plans
11h30: visit long-magnet facility
12h30: lunch in R2
14h00: visit of ATLAS detector under ground
15h30: according to your availability and interests, more in depth discussions and/or visits (microcosm, LEIR accelerator, computing centre, control room of AMS detector at ISS, etc.)

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