This virtual visit is expected to connect eight schools in Lithuania with the CMS scientists from the CMS Control Room and the Experimental cavern, from 100m underground. The following schools plan to connect:
- Saules gymnasium, Vilnius
- Zveryno gymnasium, Vilnius
- Zirmunu gymnasium, Vilnius
- Jezuitu gymnasium, Vilnius
- S.Daukanto gymnasium, Vilnius
- Vilnius Lyceum, Vilnius
- Petras Vileišis gymnasium, Pasvalys
- Kaunas
Anyone can follow this Virtual Visit on webcast by clicking here.
Image caption: Participants of the CMS Virtual Visit.
Right column from top to bottom: Žvėryno gimnasium (two top pictures), Vilnius Jezuitu gymnasium (bottom picture)
Middle column from top to bottom: Petras Vileišis gymnasium (two top pictures), Private “Saulės” gimnasium (bottom picture)
Left column: Žirmūnų gymnasium
Pictures of CMS Virtual Visit with Saulės Gimasium that took place in March 2015 can be found here.
SCHEDULE (Vilnius time):
13:30 First connection with CERN and dr. Juodagalvis speech for students from Vilnius.
13:50 Dr. Rinkevičius and dr. Szillasi joins the visit from CMS remote offline control room.
14:00 Mobile team with remote camera, E. Juška and N. Beni,joins the visit from the CMS control room.
14:20 Dr. Rinkevičius leaves, other participants continue.
15:00 End of a visit
(Pictures of the guides can be found under menu on the left: CMS Guides)
Lithuanians; Lithuanian:
1. Dr. Andrius Juodagalvis (Vilnius University)
2. Evaldas Juška (Texas A&M University)
3. Dr. Aurelijus Rinkevičius (Cornell University)
Others; English:
1. Noemi Beni (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
2. Dr. Zoltan Szillasi (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)