!!! One registration is allowed to submit only one abstract and one proceeding!!!
Steps to register to SPC2017
- Create your account on indico.cern.ch (Skip this step if you have registered to SPC2015&2016).
- You have to register your account on indico.cern.ch (click here) and click on Facebook, Google, Live, etc.
- Select your preferred account provider: Facebook, Google (gmail), yahoo.
- Follow the steps to register.
- When the login complete, you should see your name on the top right corner. Click on your name, and then "My profile".
- Click on account details, and check all of your details carefully and correct them.
- Please proceed for Registration after getting an indico account.
- Registration to the conference
- Register to SPC2017 by going to https://indico.cern.ch/event/486350/registrations/
- Fill the registration form, and click submit. You can also modify them later.
- To modify your informations, click on "Registration" menu and look for "Modify" and click on it.
- The conference details will be used on all materials of conference, including Abstract book, registeration, and recipt.
- Abstract submission
- You can submit your abstract from https://indico.cern.ch/event/486350/call-for-abstracts/
- Only one abstract is allowed to submit.
- Please fill in title and content.
To write the subscript, superscript, and symbol, please click here. - Choose type of contribution; Plenary, Invited, Oral, or Poster.
- Choose primary authors, and co-authors. In case you are primary author, you can search your name in "Add primary user". For co-authors, if they already register to SPC2017, you can also search for them.
- Choose "Track" for classification.
- You can modify them at any times before they are assigned to committee. To modify the Abstract:
- Press "View my Abstract".
- Press on your abstract's title.
- Click on "Pencil" icon.
- Modify your abstract and save it.
- Please don't start from "Submit Abstract", indico will create the new abstract and abstract's id for you.
- Payment
Payment Method
The fee must be paid by bank transfer.
Account Number: 985-2-35992-4
Account Name: SPC2017
Swift code: KRTHTHBK
Please send a proof of your payment via an e-mail to spc2017@ku.ac.th including the following information.Abstract ID: {Your abstract ID}
Full Name: {Firstname Lastname}
Amount of the transfer ($): {Your transferred amount}
Date of transfer : {dd-mmm-yyyy}
Presentation type : {Oral / Poster / Attendance}
Abstract Title : {Your abstract title} (If not a presenter, please ignore this line.)
***Excursion Fee : {Yes / No} (If "Yes", please pay 500 THB extra.)Click on "Registration" menu and your status will be changed to "Paid" when your payment is verified.
!!! If you have submitted more than one abstract, we charge one abstract per one registration fee !!!
- For any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us using email: spc2017@ku.ac.th or https://www.facebook.com/SPC2017KU/