RPC Gas Task Force - Meeting 15

40/R-B10 (CERN)



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Report from ATLAS During vacation no backup gas, everything was closed but probably air went into pipes. First week of Jan start flowing the standard mixture. Many test were planned but due to problems each sector was purged one by one. Due to these problems 50m3 gas lost (no gas recycling because of complexity of procedure and relevant manpower missing). Argon tests imminent In the maintainance period is planned to map the gas replenishment rate and the gas quality itself as a function of the chamber volume and 'pockets'. CMS Maintaince period is finished. We are starting switching on the wheels. GC: the design is ready, we are waiting only for the budget code. GC will analyze all the stations (and other detectors) but the installation and testing of the system will take a few months (one month for the delivery). Next week, gas will be back to CMS. IR analyzer before vacation was ok, it is hoped to be ok also now. We are going to start with 4,5% Isobutane but we must use a second IR which will be connected directly to DSS. GIF We are going to restart the gas and tests, the goal is to choose a combination of purifiers and to put some chamber in closed-loop mode. A powerful database with all the information about radiation. gas quality and environmental variables has been developed and will be available to all soon. Another smaller (30 x 30) chamber and samples of Bakelite wil also be put up for irradiation. GGM The system is moved to CMS, we are waiting for the complete installation of services requested, before substituting plastic tubes with stainless steel. ISR RE2 tests indicate all chamber currents are goood. Humidity has been increased to 60% for a week. Next Temperature will be increased in two steps 22 and 24 deg. The test is going on without problems, we are going to take a new sample for the chemical setup; currents are still under control, quite stable.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 13:00 13:20
      Report from ATLAS 20m
      Speakers: Haider Stefan, Rinaldo Santonico
    • 13:20 13:40
      Report from CMS 20m
      Speakers: Roberto Guida, Stefan Haider
    • 13:40 14:00
      Report from GIF 20m
      Speakers: Ivan Glushkov, Mar Capeans, Roberto Guida, Stefano Colafranchesci
    • 14:00 14:20
      Report on Gas Analyses 20m
      Speakers: Roberto Guida, Stefano Bianco, Stefano Colafranchesci
    • 14:20 14:40
      Consumption Report 20m
      Speaker: Mats Wilhelmsson
      Atlas Consumption
      CMS Consumption