1:30 PM
ALICE Grid & US Status Reports
Jeff Porter
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
(until 5:15 PM)
(Building 2-100B-CR(45-50))
1:45 PM
Welcome, Logistics, Goals & Introductions
Jeff Porter
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
(Building 2-100B-CR(45-50))
2:00 PM
ALICE-USA Computing Project Status
Jeff Porter
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
(Building 2-100B-CR(45-50))
2:30 PM
ALICE Grid Operations & Plans for 2016
Latchezar Betev
(Building 2-100B-CR(45-50))
3:00 PM
Coffee break
(Building 2-100B-CR(45-50))
3:15 PM
PDSF operations overview
- Dr
James Botts
(Building 2-100B-CR(45-50))
3:45 PM
CADES operations overview
Pete Eby
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory - (US))
(Building 2-100B-CR(45-50))
4:15 PM
Overview of Computing Project 2016 Plans
Jeff Porter
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
(Building 2-100B-CR(45-50))
4:30 PM
Open Discussion on operations and update deployment plan
Jeff Porter
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
(Building 2-100B-CR(45-50))