21โ€“23 Mar 2016
University of Sussex
Europe/London timezone


Parallel session 3

22 Mar 2016, 16:30
Chichester Lecture Theatre (University of Sussex)

Chichester Lecture Theatre

University of Sussex

Falmer Brighton BN1 9QJ UK

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Yan Jie Schnellbach (University of Liverpool (GB))
22/03/2016, 16:30
Dominic Smith (University of Bristol (GB))
22/03/2016, 16:30
David Woodward (University of Sheffield)
22/03/2016, 16:45
Wing Yan Ma (Imperial College London)
22/03/2016, 16:45
Guillermo Nicolas Hamity (University of Sheffield (GB))
22/03/2016, 16:45
Itzebelt Santoyo Castillo (University of Sussex (GB)), Itzebelt Santoyo Castillo (University of Sussex (GB))
22/03/2016, 16:45
Calum Michael Macdonald (University of Sheffield (GB))
22/03/2016, 17:00
Dave Lewis (University of London (GB))
22/03/2016, 17:15
Steven Alexander Murphy (University of Manchester (GB))
22/03/2016, 17:15
Matt Baca (University of Birmingham (GB))
22/03/2016, 17:15
Paul Martins (C)
22/03/2016, 17:15
Giulio Tiziano Forcolin (University of Manchester (GB))
22/03/2016, 17:30
Adinda De Wit (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
22/03/2016, 17:30
Joseph Stanford Ennis (University of Warwick (GB)), Joseph Stanford Ennis (University of Warwick (GB))
22/03/2016, 17:45
Building timetable...