21–22 Apr 2016
University of Liverpool / The Cockcroft Institute
Europe/Rome timezone


1.1 Morning Session

21 Apr 2016, 10:00
University of Liverpool / The Cockcroft Institute

University of Liverpool / The Cockcroft Institute



1 Welcome (C. Welsch)
2 Presentation of ESI (H. Hoffmann)
3 JUAS 2014: 20 years anniversary celebration at LPSC - Grenoble
4 Brief history of JUAS
5 JUAS 2014 Minutes (Grenoble) + follow-up actions
6 Review of JUAS Advisory Board members
7 Round table of partner universities (all representatives)
8 Review of professors and assistants JUAS 2015
9 Review of JUAS students 2015

Presentation materials

Building timetable...