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17th Middleware Readiness Working Group meeting

31/S-028 (CERN)



NB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNUSUAL ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!
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Maria Dimou (CERN)

Permanent material:


    • 16:00 16:02
      Minutes of last (16th) meeting. 2m
      This meeting took place on March 16th 2016.
    • 16:02 16:22
      Replies from the WLCG sites on pakiti 20m
      Status of the MW Readiness app . This meeting will discuss the reaults of the poll launched to the sites concerning running pakiti for their production systems, not only the Volunteer sites and not only on their testbeds.
      Speaker: Maria Dimou (CERN)
    • 16:22 16:32
      Product verification status report 10m
      Speaker: Andrea Manzi (CERN)
    • 16:32 16:42
      The Volunteer Sites's experience 10m
      Comments from: a. Napoli b. CNAF c. Triumf d. PIC e. Edinburgh f. Grif g. Brunel h. LAPP Annecy i. CERN
    • 16:42 16:52
      Report from the most recent ARGUS Collaboration meeting 10m
      The last ARGUS Collaboration meeting took place on April 15th 2016. Agenda and minutes on page here
      Speaker: Maarten Litmaath (CERN)
    • 16:52 16:57
      Actions from last meeting (list in the above minutes) 5m
    • 16:57 17:00
      Next meeting 3m
      Proposed date is Wed July 6th, no meeting in August, followed by a meeting mid-September. Please DO comment in the e-group!
    • 17:00 17:05
      A.O.B. 5m