In this theory work, we investigate how the current ATLAS data constrain the higgs-related couplings of the BSM effective Lagrangian in which new vector resonances are explicitly present. As novelty, we consider the possibility when the Higgs-to-EW-gauge-boson and Higgs-to-vector-resonance interactions are disentangled.
Right-handed neutrino fields are useful to explain tiny neutrino masses. Axion field is useful to explain a tiny value of effective CP violating theta parameter within QCD. Both provide candidate particles for Dark Matter. Their observable effects, however, are predicted to be extremely weak. In particular, the neutrinoless double beta decay and axion-photon conversion represent yet unobserved...
Review of SUSY searches including indirect searches from rare decays will be given.
We present expressions of the Pagels--Stokar type for the masses of the W and Z bosons in terms of the quark and lepton self-energies. By introducing a genuine new term in the gauge boson--fermion--anti-fermion vertex we manage to accomplish three main achievements: First, we show that the similar results existing in literature lead, in general, to a non-symmetric gauge boson mass matrix and...
On Thursday, May 2, the Workshop Banquet at Korzo restaurant will take place at 7pm.
I will give an overview of ATLAS Masterclasses for high-school students, the physics contents and experience we have with Masterclasses globally and in Slovakia and the Czech Republic in particular.