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UK HEP SYSMAN (with Security Training)

CR03 R61 & Visualisation Fac. Bldg R27 (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)

CR03 R61 & Visualisation Fac. Bldg R27

Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

A Security Focus on Tuesday (21st June). HEP SYSMAN on Wednesday and Thursday (22nd/23rd June),
  • Adrian Coveney
  • Alex Owen
  • Alexander Dibbo
  • Alhamdu Bello
  • Andrew Lahiff
  • Benedict Allbrooke
  • Brian Davies
  • Catalin CONDURACHE
  • Chris Brew
  • Cozmin Timis
  • David Crooks
  • eric fauvet
  • Ewan Mac Mahon
  • Gareth Smith
  • George Patargias
  • George Ryall
  • Govind Songara
  • Ian Loader
  • Ian Neilson
  • Jeremy Coles
  • Jeremy Maris
  • John Kelly
  • Kashif Hafeez
  • Kashif Mohammad
  • Linda Ann Cornwall
  • Man-Suen Chan
  • Marcus Ebert
  • Martin Bly
  • Matt Doidge
  • Peter Gronbech
  • Rob Harper
  • Robin Long
  • Simon George
  • Stephen Jones
  • Szymon Gadomski
  • Tim Folkes
  • Tom Whyntie
    • 10:30
      Coffee CR03 Building R61

      CR03 Building R61

      Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

    • Hands-on Security Training 1: Penetration testing hands-on training with Leif Nixon CR03 Building R61

      CR03 Building R61

      Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

      Do you ever feel like Michael Douglas in Falling Down? Do you ever get the urge to just rip all the badly written software apart? This training is for you.

      We will look at classes of vulnerabilities, how to find them, how to exploit them, and how to trample the system under your feet. Also boring stuff like "pen test without going to jail" and "report vulnerabilities without getting sued".

      There will be hands-on sessions.

      Bring your laptops, preferably with with some unixoid operating system (like Linux or OS X), but at a pinch Windows should also work, as long as you have a working ssh client installed.

    • 12:00
    • Hands-on Security Training 2: Penetration testing hands-on training with Leif Nixon CR03 Building R61

      CR03 Building R61

      Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

    • 15:00
    • Hands-on Security Training 3: Penetration testing hands-on training with Leif Nixon