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Opportunities with internal gas target at the LHC

from Monday 4 July 2016 (08:00) to Tuesday 5 July 2016 (18:00)
CERN (61/1-009)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
4 Jul 2016
5 Jul 2016
Internal gas target solutions (until 11:00) (61/1-009 - Room C)
09:15 Intro - Jean-Philippe Lansberg (IPN Orsay, Paris Sud U. / IN2P3-CNRS)   (61/1-009 - Room C)
09:30 Genesis and status of SMOG - Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi (CERN)   (61/1-009 - Room C)
10:00 SMOG future and limitations - Colin Barschel (CERN)   (61/1-009 - Room C)
10:30 Discussion on SMOG like systems in the LHC   (61/1-009 - Room C)
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
Internal gas target solutions (until 13:30) (61/1-009 - Room C)
11:30 The legacy of the Hermes gas target - Erhard Steffens (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg)   (61/1-009 - Room C)
12:00 A Hermes-like gas target in the LHC complex - Alexander Nass (Juelich)   (61/1-009 - Room C)
12:30 Impact of SMOG on the LHC vacuum - Christina Yin Vallgren (CERN)   (61/1-009 - Room C)
12:50 Discussion on Hermes like systems in the LHC (+ SMOG)   (61/1-009 - Room C)
Expression of Interest and funding (until 11:00) (61/1-017 - Room D)
09:00 Status report - Jean-Philippe Lansberg (IPN Orsay, Paris Sud U. / IN2P3-CNRS) Cynthia Hadjidakis (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR)) Laure Marie Massacrier (Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (FR))   (61/1-017 - Room D)
09:30 Round table on the EoI   (61/1-017 - Room D)
10:30 Discussions on the EoI "recommandation"   (61/1-017 - Room D)
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
Expression of Interest and funding (until 13:00) (61/1-017 - Room D)
11:30 Round table on funding opportunities   (61/1-017 - Room D)
13:30 --- Lunch ---
Physics and detectors (until 16:30) (61/1-017 - Room D)
14:30 SMOG-LHCb physics status report - Laure Marie Massacrier (Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (FR))   (61/1-017 - Room D)
15:00 Physics opportunities with an unpolarised gas target - Cynthia Hadjidakis (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))   (61/1-017 - Room D)
15:30 First look at the possibilities of ALICE in the fixed target mode - Antonio Uras (Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))   (61/1-017 - Room D)
16:00 Discussion on physics prospects for an unpolarised gas target   (61/1-017 - Room D)
16:30 --- Coffee break ---
Physics and detectors (until 18:30) (61/1-017 - Room D)
17:00 Physics opportunities with a polarised gas target - Daniel Kikola   (61/1-017 - Room D)
17:30 Discussion on physics prospects for a polarised gas target (+ light targets)   (61/1-017 - Room D)
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Technical solutions and simulations (until 15:30) (61/1-007 - Room B)
14:00 Discussion : SMOG like system in ALICE ?   (61/1-007 - Room B)
14:30 Discussion : Hermes like system on the LHC: how and when ?   (61/1-007 - Room B)
15:00 Discussion : Hermes like system upstream from ALICE ?   (61/1-007 - Room B)
15:15 Discussion : Hermes like system upstream from LHCb ?   (61/1-007 - Room B)
15:30 --- Coffee break ---
Technical solutions and simulations (until 18:00) (61/1-007 - Room B)
16:00 Simulation Status - Barbara Trzeciak (Czech Technical University in Prague)   (61/1-007 - Room B)
16:30 Data driven luminosity determination - Patrick Robbe (Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (FR))   (61/1-007 - Room B)
17:00 Discussion: Spin related Figure of Merit   (61/1-007 - Room B)
17:30 Global discuscion (e.g. timeline)   (61/1-007 - Room B)