The Physics of Detectors (1/4)
One West (WH1W)
Fermilab, Wilson Hall
In this series of four lectures I will present an overview of basic detector techniques and the physical principles behind them. The intended audience for this sequence of lectures is ‘young’ physicists, who have not yet had the experience in designing a detector for a real experiment. These lectures were originally conceived for the graduate students and postdocs attending these LPC, but will be open to all. In the lectures I will start by discussing some of the basic physics of particle interactions and the principles that we exploit to detect ionizing radiation in solid, liquid and gaseous detectors. I will present in some detail some of the techniques that are used in our field for modern-day detectors, and I will discuss the reasoning behind the design choices that have been made for one or more detectors in high energy and nuclear physics. Details of the individual lectures will be given closer to the date.
Dates and times for Lectures: May 4 & 5 and May 11 & 12, from 11am-noon
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