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4–6 Mar 2009
Europe/Zurich timezone

Status of RAMSES and ARCON radiation monitoring systems

5 Mar 2009, 11:05
AT Auditorium (CERN)

AT Auditorium



Markus Widorski


The Safety Commission operates and maintains two different radiation monitoring systems to survey the levels of ionizing radiation at CERN and its environment. Recent installations like LHC, CNGS and CTF3 are equipped with a modern state of the art system (RAMSES) whereas the rest of CERN including the LHC injector chain relies on a system (ARCON), which had been already developed for LEP. Obviously, the operational availability of this system decreased over the years due to aging, maintenance problems and the increasing incompatibility between the ARCON system and CERN’s continuously up‐graded computer network. The presentation will give an overview of the current status of both systems, focusing on ARCON and the efforts required to assure a safe operation of CERN’s non‐LHC facilities.

Presentation materials