29 July 2016 to 21 August 2016
Other Institutes
Africa/Kigali timezone


Outreach to secondary education

16 Aug 2016, 14:00
Other Institutes

Other Institutes

University of Rwanda, Kigali


Outreach to secondary education

  • Kenneth William Cecire (University of Notre Dame (US))
  • claudia frugiuele (Carleton University)
  • Thomas Mc Cauley (University of Notre Dame (US))

Outreach to secondary education

  • Kenneth William Cecire (University of Notre Dame (US))
  • claudia frugiuele (Carleton University)
  • Thomas Mc Cauley (University of Notre Dame (US))

Outreach to secondary education

  • Kenneth William Cecire (University of Notre Dame (US))
  • claudia frugiuele (Carleton University)
  • Thomas Mc Cauley (University of Notre Dame (US))

Presentation materials

Julia Ann Gray (University of Kansas (US)), Kenneth William Cecire (University of Notre Dame (US)), Ketevi Adikle Assamagan (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Michael Bender (Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE)), Prof. Pheneas Nkundabakura (University of Rwanda), Thomas Mc Cauley (University of Notre Dame (US)), claudia frugiuele (Carleton University)
16/08/2016, 14:00

Outreach to Lycee Notre Dame de Citeaux, Kigali.

The activities at Lycee Notre Dame tomorrow are:
- CERN in 3 min video
- cloud chamber
- particle cards activity (students organize cards)
- slides on basic
- Rolling with Rutherford (roll marbles at targets)
- masterclass intro slides
- ATLAS and CMS masterclass-in-a-box
- Q&A with students

Prof. Jean Uwamahoro (University of Rwanda), Julia Ann Gray (University of Kansas (US)), Michael Bender (Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE)), Thomas Mc Cauley (University of Notre Dame (US)), claudia frugiuele (Carleton University)
17/08/2016, 14:00
  • CERN in 3 min video
  • Cloud chamber
  • Particle cards activity (students organize cards)
  • Slides on basics
  • Rolling with Rutherford (roll marbles at targets)
  • Masterclass intro slides
  • ATLAS and CMS masterclass-in-a-box
  • Q&A with students
Kenneth William Cecire (University of Notre Dame (US)), Mary Bishai (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Michael Bender (Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE)), Thomas Mc Cauley (University of Notre Dame (US)), claudia frugiuele (Carleton University)
18/08/2016, 14:00

- CERN in 3 min video
- cloud chamber
- particle cards activity (students organize cards)
- slides on basic
- Rolling with Rutherford (roll marbles at targets)
- masterclass intro slides
- ATLAS and CMS masterclass-in-a-box
- Q&A with students

Building timetable...